You have to update us. This situation is so bizarre. Especially since its been ongoing, months and months it seems from your timeline. Pregnancy - Birth
Congrats on the new baby. There is no love or experience in the world like it.
there is a certain elder in my wives hall that has seemed to developed a real interest her.
first he seemed to feel a need to make sure all her blood cards were signed before she gave birth to our child.. he sends her text messages if she misses a meeting saying how much " we missed you last night ".
he finally sent her a text wondering where her oct hours were , knowing she had some pretty serious tears from child birth and could hardly even walk, much less do field service ".
You have to update us. This situation is so bizarre. Especially since its been ongoing, months and months it seems from your timeline. Pregnancy - Birth
Congrats on the new baby. There is no love or experience in the world like it.
from a redditor - would have died to have been there.
there is a certain elder in my wives hall that has seemed to developed a real interest her.
first he seemed to feel a need to make sure all her blood cards were signed before she gave birth to our child.. he sends her text messages if she misses a meeting saying how much " we missed you last night ".
he finally sent her a text wondering where her oct hours were , knowing she had some pretty serious tears from child birth and could hardly even walk, much less do field service ".
I don't have any experience myself, Other people here have been elders and seem to have good advice.
I am in my 30's and my closest JW girlfriends, 2/3, were married to UBMs. After they had kids... they felt they had to try extra hard to raise them JWs. They subjected themselves to their service overseer or random elder in the hall who took interest, almost as if it was their husband. Not sexual in any way, but in a bizarre way I can't explain. There is some common bond between JWs being IN vs OUT... he is capitalizing on this.
I would play it this way-yes its a game to play. I would talk to HER and make sure she knows you feel its weird. I would act like you are threatened by their communication--it being inappropriate--why isn't the WIFE texting her anyway? Her wanting to give a 'good witness' will see this is stumbling you and be more sensitive to YOUR feelings, than to defending him. Make sure she stays on YOUR side, not defending him. Who cares if he is ugly, fat, bald...i am sure your wife is young since she had a baby...and affairs rarely happen due to good looks. My point? Use this to get her on your side and have him back the F*&^ off. Its weird- and totally inappropriate.
I am in my 30's and woke up after multiple back to back pregnancies, because of the amount of work vs lack of support from congregation members. I hope this works for your wife.
wanted to say hi.
i've been lurking for a long time.
i also spend time on other forums.
firstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
I hope they implement this. Its a wonderful idea to wake up a lot of JWs. I do not see this going anywhere good for the society. All the JWs I know, would do anything for the org except part with their money. Its theirs. They are the least generous of religious groups I have encountered. The society has done it to their own detriment. They encourage service above being a generous decent human, so they have killed off any generosity in that, "we do service thats life saving". My peer group 30/40s NO WAY would give a set amount of money-- if so it would be a ONE time thing. Not monthly.
If they said birthdays and thanksgiving were okay and reversed some ridiculous policies against innocuous birthdays and the like, THEN I could see potentially giving of their income.
hi.i've been pouring over this site for the past few days looking for some advice and i hope there is someone here that can help a guy out.
i'm desperate.....short bio: i came into the organization after high school and shortly after married a wonderful girl who was born-in.we have been happily married now for nearly 20 years and things were well until 2015 hit.
by the way, i currently serve as an elder and have the ""privilege"" of being the "watchtower overseer".. either here nor there, we were told we would never have children but late last year my wife became prego!!
The loss of a child is said to be one of the worst things that can happen to a person/couple. Especially, since you have not gotten to experience the joys just heartache. I hope things work out so you can experience the smiles, giggles, and love a little person can bring. This religion almost acts like children are a burden and disadvantage in serving God, its sick.
I don't have experience with stepping down... and we were fading before we were even awake due to circumstance. I do believe because of your wifes grief, the shallow sympathy, and complete lack of understand with your losses, you may be able to win her over about how shallow-empty this religion is.
Being a women and a mother, I don't know if I would go and tell her you don't believe right off, only you know her, but... she has serious emotions due to grief, I don't know about adding the grief of a husband who fell away.
i see all these changes we are all shocked by.
if they are all true, and wtbts is hoping to distract the r&f with the ongoing claim 'the end is so near we need to preach'.
how long do you give the excitement to die down among the 20-30's crowd?
My thinking is that this group has the 'truth' because thats what they are told and understand nothing. I was the same way...and actually stumbled on this website after googling the JW dot org ridiculousness and found a picture that linked me here. It was after reading a few posts alone, I was beyond shocked. All the feelings I had were shared-- then I read about 1914 etc... Wow.
I think the only fear is losing family and friends for this group- the end is near propaganda isn't going to work.
i see all these changes we are all shocked by.
if they are all true, and wtbts is hoping to distract the r&f with the ongoing claim 'the end is so near we need to preach'.
how long do you give the excitement to die down among the 20-30's crowd?
i see all these changes we are all shocked by.
if they are all true, and wtbts is hoping to distract the r&f with the ongoing claim 'the end is so near we need to preach'.
how long do you give the excitement to die down among the 20-30's crowd?
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
I like the feel of this. It seems to pretty much be anonymous for the majority. I hope we can clear this up to the people being confused saying 'don't DA' and 'beware of the repercussions'. I get the sense most want this anonymous and thus our increased frustration. I am able to send hundreds, heck, I will send it to all the local halls in my area. HA.
I feel like 8/8/16 is SO far away, I would rather do it sooner than later. Seems like a good idea now, then life happens, and many of us will have new battles. Perhaps I am the lone ranger on this one?
Also, where do we find the kingdom hall mailing addresses? In my area they are PO Boxes not the KH physical address.